Managed IT Services

Cyberonix is here to deliver results whether you are a start-up or well established, whether you have stories of downtime caused by computer or network issues, or whether you simply don't like how much your company is paying to keep your IT up and running. Enterprise-level IT support and solutions that are specifically designed to address all of your organization's technology-related pain points will be provided to your business through our flat-rate service plan.


Boost Productivity

Offer top-notch IT services to ensure that your team's productivity increases.


Stay Secure

Keep up with changing cybersecurity risks, reduce risk, and adhere to regulations


Meet business goals

Automate recurring work to improve efficiency


Ready to take you business to new level? We are expertise in the below

Server & Workstation Management

Your servers and workstations need to be continuously tuned in order for you to run successfully and efficiently as both technology and your business develop. Many businesses lack the specialist resources needed for this continuing endeavor. Cyberonix managed team steps in to help with it.

  • Patch management
  • Operating system & software updates
  • Hardware monitoring
  • Active directory management
  • Software support

Network & Firewall management

Organizations in the modern day are more connected than ever. Any functional corporation or firm must have private networks, systems, and equipment. In order to keep these networks safe and secure from malicious attacks, firewalls are a crucial line of protection. Additionally crucial to data protection and cybersecurity are firewalls. Firewalls are a foundational part of an organization's cybersecurity defences, whether they come in the form of conventional firewalls or "next generation" technologies. To maintain a secure network and reduce the risks from cyber threats, firewall administration is essential.

  • Why is Network management important?
  • Firewall rule management
  • Block unwanted content
  • Allow authorized devices in network
  • Boost productivity

Data backup & Recovery

In the event of loss or damage, data is duplicated and stored in a secure area. Backup and recovery is the process of relocating the duplicated data to the original location or a secure backup so that it can be utilised once more in operations. backup and recovery allows enterprises to secure and maintain their data for legal and business requirements.

Cyberonix helps you backup:

  • Virtual machines
  • Servers/Workstations
  • Databases
  • Files
  • Applications
  • SaaS applications

Remote workforce enablement

Are you ready to consider a work from anywhere (WFA) policy?This allows you to get your organisation enabled for remote work extremely quickly. Cyberonix leverages technology to connect remote workers to your company network for collaboration. We will ensure your organisation's remote workforce is deployed with

  • The right communication and productivity tools for Teamwork and Collaboration
  • The security necessary for remote working including User Identity and Access, MFA, and managed devices
  • The security necessary for remote working including User Identity and Access, MFA, and managed devices

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